This document explains how to install kanla on RHEL 6.4.
The instructions should also work for any other rpm-based distribution.
1. Install EPEL
Many dependencies of kanla are available for RHEL in the EPEL repository.
Visit and install the epel-release rpm.
2. Check that kanla is still not available
We are working on getting kanla available via EPEL.
Despite our best efforts, this document might be outdated, so run yum search kanla before continuing.
3. Installing dependencies not in EPEL
wget wget wget yum install perl-AnyEvent-XMPP-0.54-2.el6.noarch.rpm yum install perl-Object-Event-1.23-5.el6.noarch.rpm yum install perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.15-1.el6.noarch.rpm
You can help by getting these two packages from Fedora to EPEL :-).
4. Install the kanla RPM
wget yum install kanla-1.2-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Note that there currently is no init script in the RPM. If you can provide one, please go ahead. I personally lost motivation after realizing the lack of start-stop-daemon in RHEL.